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Class autocare::Inferencer

ClassList > autocare > Inferencer

Public Functions

Type Name
Inferencer (TrtInferencer * trt_inferencer)
int do_inference (unsigned char * bgr_input_data, unsigned char * bgr_output_data, const int width, const int height)
int get_gpuid ()
~Inferencer ()

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Inferencer * CreateInferencer (string onnxPath, int gpuID, string configPath=string(""))
Inferencer * CreateInferencer (string onnxPath, ModelConfig modelCofing)

Public Functions Documentation

function Inferencer

autocare::Inferencer::Inferencer (
    TrtInferencer * trt_inferencer

function do_inference

int autocare::Inferencer::do_inference (
    unsigned char * bgr_input_data,
    unsigned char * bgr_output_data,
    const int width,
    const int height

function get_gpuid

int autocare::Inferencer::get_gpuid () 

function ~Inferencer

autocare::Inferencer::~Inferencer () 

Public Static Functions Documentation

function CreateInferencer [1/2]

static Inferencer * autocare::Inferencer::CreateInferencer (
    string onnxPath,
    int gpuID,
    string configPath=string("")

function CreateInferencer [2/2]

static Inferencer * autocare::Inferencer::CreateInferencer (
    string onnxPath,
    ModelConfig modelCofing

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file dllengine.h