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  • Example implementation of loading an image, passing it through a model, and receiving the resulting image

  • The constants at the top should be modified by the user:

    • INPUT_PATH : Path to the input image
    • OUTPUT_PATH : Path to the output image
    • ONNX_PATH : Path to the ONNX file
    • DEVICE : Device to execute the model
      • Input "{GPU_ID}" or "cpu" ex) "0"
    • CELL_TYPE : Type of cell to be inspected
      • CellType may vary for each client
      • Check the types in include/type.h
#include "api.h"

const std::string INPUT_PATH = "path/to/input.jpg";
const std::string OUTPUT_PATH = "path/to/output.jpg";
const std::string ONNX_PATH = "path/to/onnxFile.onnx";
const std::string DEVICE = "0"; 
const CellType CELL_TYPE = CellType::CYLINDER_TOP; 

int main()
    ModelConfig mc = CreateModelConfig(
    Model* model = CreateModel(mc);

    Mat image = imread(INPUT_PATH, 1);
    ModelResult mr = RunModel(model, image);

    // mask
    Mat maskImage = GetMaskByClassID(mr, 0);
    SaveResultImage(maskImage, OUTPUT_PATH);

    Mat maskImage = GetMaskVisualizationForAllClasses(mr);
    SaveResultImage(maskImage, OUTPUT_PATH);

    // skeleton
    Mat maskImage = GetSkeletonVisualizationForAllClasses(mr);
    SaveResultImage(maskImage, OUTPUT_PATH);

  • explanation:

    ModelConfig mc = CreateModelConfig(
    Create information about the model to be executed

    Model* model = CreateModel(mc);
    Create the model. If any issues occur during generation, return a null pointer

    ModelResult mr = RunModel(model, image);
    Execute the model. At this point, the input image provided is a grayscale image.
    ModelResult is a structure containing information about the execution results of the model for the input image.

    Mat maskImage = GetMaskByClassID(mr, 0); // Return a binary image of a specific class ID
    Mat maskImage = GetMaskVisualizationForAllClasses(mr); // Mask visualization image
    Mat maskImage = GetSkeletonVisualizationForAllClasses(mr); // Skeleton visualization image
    Fetch details regarding the Mask/Skeleton images.
    This functionality is interchangeable with different functions based on specific needs.

    For instance, it can be tailored to provide information exclusively for particular classes, or to return data of type UCHAR, or even when solely the mask is required without any visualization.

    Please consult the Interfaces page for further guidance.
    Note that the function's interface may vary depending on the client's requirements.

    Remove the pointer to the model.