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App Overview

Real-time detection of fire and smoke

Main Features

  1. Detects fire and smoke associated with a fire.
  2. An event is generated when a fire is detected.

App Application Architecture

Architecture Overview

Det (Fire) ─────Tracker (NvDCF)

FireDet : {0:flame, 1:smoke}

Model Infomation

  • FireDet

    1. Description

      Detects fire and smoke.

    2. Version


    3. Dataset Properties

      Category name Number of Images Number of Instances
      flame 33297 33439
      smoke 42174 42194
      Total 47484 75633
    4. Performance

      Category name Recall 50:95 Precision 50:95
      flame 97.2 77.1
      smoke 96.2 78.9
      mean 96.7 78.0

Input / Output


Input Type : Image

Input Format : RGB

Input Resolution : 640 X 640 X 3 (W x H x C)



Output Type : Lable, Boundary-box(Bbox), Confidence Scores, Track ID

Output Type Data Type
Lable str
Bbox list: [x: float, y:float, w:float , h:float ]
Confidence Scores float
Track ID int
Event str


Software Integration

Runtime Engine:

  • Autocare Edge 1.7

Preferred System Spec:

  • OS : Ubuntu (debian)
  • GPU : NVIDIA RTX 3070, NVIDIA RTX 4090, etc(Nvidia).

Limitation & Warning

Small objects : The object size must be at least 5% of the total image size for detection.

Crowded objects : In the case of crowd objects, they can be recognized as a single object by the Iou algorithm.

Camera distortion : A skewed input may not fit the model's domain.

Dark or blurry objects : It may not pass the threshold and therefore go undetected.